Saturday, November 5, 2011


I made this painting in my spare time using Photoshop. I worked off a compilation of photographs of New York City for reference.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Island Concept

These are some island concept images I did for an Animagic Productions project. The program used was Photoshop.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cockroach Color Concept

I completed this project while I worked for Animagic Productions. The roach characters were already low-poly modeled when I came on. I designed the color and textures in Photoshop to later be implemented in ZBrush. The lower image is the approved color design.

Cockroach Character

Another texturing project I did while with Animagic Productions. This character was already modeled but had no texture. After completing the color concept stage for the roaches, I created the color maps and the texture maps. Program used was ZBrush.

Forklift Texture

I did the texturing for this forklift when I was with Animagic Productions. The modeling and initial color mapping was done when I came on this project; all of the dirt mapping, grime, bump mapping, and displacement mapping was done by me. I also color edited, re-organized the UV's for greater efficiency, and re-sized the maps for HD. Programs used were Maya, Photoshop, and ZBrush.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Painted in Photoshop. Samurai geisha after a sneak attack at dawn. I painted this for the model that posed for me and finished it this past October, but was never really satisfied. So I did something I rarely do and I went back to it and reworked the color, adjusted the blood splatters, added much more detail to the scarf (specifically adding patterns), added texture to the snow, and added foreground elements to frame the image. I'm much more satisfied with this version.